If you are a professional, semi-professional or even a club player at a racquet sport, then you may find that you are spending a great deal of money every time you need to get a racquet restrung. Read More
If you play often, then restringing is something that will have to happen on a regular basis. Putting that much money into your racquets can become troublesome, but what other option do you have? You could choose to shop for stringing machines. If you are a sports centre that offers courts for racquet sports, then you could benefit from choosing stringing machines as well. In either case, you will be glad to know that there are a number of different stringing machines available.
When you begin to shop for stringing machines, then there are a few things you need to remember. The main purpose of these machines is to do the work more efficiently and more effectively. We offer a range of stringing machines, from the drop weight Pro’s Pro Challenger machines to the sophisticated electronic stringing machines. Do get in touch with us if you have any questions – our experts will be able to help.
In order to choose the right stringing machine, you will need to determine what type of racquets you will be stringing. The Pro’s Pro Shuttle can only manage one type; badminton. The Pro’s Pro SX01 can only string tennis, squash and racquetball racquets and not badminton. All machines will be able to manage any type of racquet within the specific sport due to the great number of adjustments that can be made easily on all machines we sell. If you have only one type of racquet, then standard stringing machines may be just the right option for you. Electronic machines, in general, offer more comfort when stringing and reduce stringing time by 10-15%.
We offer a whole line of stringing machines that range from the very basic to the very high tech. In addition, the machines that we offer are made by the top brands in the racquet sports world. When you choose to shop with us, you will have access to stringing machines from such makers as Babolat, Gamma, Prince, Pro's Pro, Tecnifibre, Wilson and Yonex. You will easily be able to choose the machine that will best suit your own needs. We work to provide the best in prices as well. You will find that the stringing machines that we offer are extremely competitively priced. You should not be overcharged when you need to buy equipment and we will make sure that you are not. Finally, we can ship any stringing machine to any country in the world - simply add the machine to the cart to find the exact delivery price.
For a stringing machine comparison chart plus further information, please see here.